Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Valentine from a Princess

Since I have started this blogging thing, I have started to follow several blogs.

One of my favorite blogs is It's a blog that gives fashion advice, baby advice, and basically wisdom all women should know. Shannon writes about being glamorous in your own way, even if you are covered in poop, pee,  and puke!! I love Shannon's advice . But my favorite part of her blog is seeing the pictures of her daughter Amelia!!! Princess A is always modeling some fierce outfit that is totally glam!! We even get to see Shannon's fab clothes!

Here is Amelia!!!

Such a cutie!!!

A few weeks ago, Shannon said that Amelia picked out Valentine's to send out and there were a few extra. I asked for one and I received it today!!!! I, unfortunately, am past the age where giving out Valentine's are socially acceptable. So I haven't received one in a while. Just seeing the cute pink envelope in the mail today made me smile. Thank you Princess A and Shannon!!!



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Ben Graupner!!!

Today is Ben Graupner's 26th Birthday!!!

Who is Ben Graupner you ask???? Ben Graupner is a member of the bands 100 Monkeys and Mechanical People. He is super talented and one of the sweetest people I have ever met!!
Last year for his birthday, I was lucky enough to attend a Mechanical People show in New Orleans!!! When my friends and I arrived at the venue, Ben was outside (cutting his finger nails) and he smiled really big because I think he recognized me!! (The 100 Monkey had just been on tour and of course, I went to several shows and met the band after several of these shows.)

We all wished him a Happy Birthday and he gave us all great big hugs!!

Anyway, he graciously took a picture with me! Look at how cute we are!!! :-)

Walking into the venue, Ben Johnson (another member of 100 Monkeys) and Jake Miller (a member of The Kissing Club - whom often tour with the Monkeys and I have had the pleasure of meeting several times) were standing right there by the door. I remember talking to them about being in Baton Rouge and how they liked New Orleans. Also two very sweet guys!!

And again -  Look at how cute we are!!!!
After a few drinks, someone came up with the idea of buying Ben G. a birthday shot. But no one had the guts to ask him what he liked to drink!! So me, being me, went right up to him and asked him! He just smiled real big and said that he liked to shoot Jameson. Which is a whiskey. I LOVE whiskey, but I had never tried Jameson before. All the girls were going to shoot Lemon Drops - but not me! I decided to try Jameson. I also bought Ben and Jake shots too, since I probably wouldn't see them for their birthdays, I bought them birthday shots today!!
So here's a pic of us getting ready to drink our shots!!

And here is a picture of us after doing the shot. I think you can see the fire going down my throat!!!!!!!

I have since developed a taste for Jameson. But that very first time WOW!!!!

Here's the birthday boy on the stage!!

Oh, what a cutie!!!!

Here's Ben J on drums!!

After going to my share of concerts in my life, I have discovered that it is VERY difficult to get decent pictures of the drummer!!!

And since Ben is usually the drummer and the venue was kinda small, I finally got a decent pic of him!

I love Ben J!

And here's Jake!!!!

I had trouble getting a good pic of him too because his hair was always in his face. I even yelled out to him to put his hair behind his ear so I could get a good shot!

And this is what I got!!

I love Jake!!!

Here are the guys at the end of their set. Around this time, everyone sang Ben "Happy Birthday." And he ended the song by singing "and I smell like one too!" I guess he meant a monkey. LOL!

I love this pic!!!
I loved the show!!
I can't wait for Mechanical People to tour again and I sincerely hope they come to the New Orleans area.

After the show was over and the guys were picking up their instruments, I went over to Ben to wish him a happy birthday again, to tell him how much we enjoyed the show, and to tell him that we were heading out. He told me, "You can't leave without giving me a hug." Ben gave me the biggest, most sincere hug I think I've ever had in my life! What a sweetheart!

Here's a pic of my friends and I - Karin, Natalie, me, and Rahme. We had a blast!!

Here's a pic of Rahme and I just thrown in here because - LOOK AT HOW CUTE WE ARE!!

I truly wish Ben a very Happy Birthday!!! I wish I was celebrating it with him again this year!!!



Monday, February 6, 2012

Xīn Nián Kuài Lè!!!! (aka Happy Chinese New Year!!!)

The Year of the Dragon - the Chinese zodiac year of 2012 is upon us!

Even though the day marked on the calendar is January 23rd. This day just marks the beginning of the Happy New Year Celebrations. The beginning of the Year of the Dragon is today, February 6th! So basically, they party for two weeks before the actually holiday – kind of like a Chinese Mardi Gras!

All those that know me, know that I love all things oriental - except sushi, I'm still trying to develop my taste buds to tolerate it (I’m a steak and potatoes kinda girl). I love geishas, cherry blossoms, kimonos, samurais, EVERYTHING!! Especially Chinese astrology!!!!!

Astrology is part of Chinese life. And 2012 is the year of Dragon! Specifically the Black Water Dragon!!

Occupying the 5th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. In Chinese astrology, the dragon is the only animal of the Chinese Zodiac that is not real. The dragon holds a special significance for the Chinese people. They are very much revered.

More than 4,000 years ago, there were two large tribes and many smaller tribes in China. The tribes had animals as emblems. The two large tribes unified and chose the dragon as their symbol. To this day, the Han Chinese still call themselves the “Descendants of the Dragon.”

In Chinese astrology, the dragon was seen as a powerful almighty king because it was made up of different parts of animals such as a tiger, fish, snake, and an eagle. The Chinese dragon was not seen as a threatening evil being as we do, but rather a symbol of power and superiority. Still today, the Dragon is a revered symbol. You can see many sculptures and carvings of the dragon. Even today, the Chinese associate the dragon with power and wisdom.

In Chinese astrology, a person born during the year of the Dragon is special. The Chinese believe the gods and goddesses have blessed the dragon. These people usually stand out, as a dragon does. They are powerful and wise. There is a certain aura about them. They are not shy and they demand attention.

Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They’re passionate in all they do and they do things in grand fashion. Unfortunately, this passion and enthusiasm can leave Dragons feeling exhausted and interestingly, unfulfilled.

The dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity. In ancient China, a dragon was thought to speed across the sky with divine power. Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as 'dragon'; their thrones were called 'dragon thrones', their clothes 'dragon gowns'.

While Dragons frequently help others, rarely will they ask for help. Others are attracted to Dragons, especially their colorful personalities, but deep down, Dragons prefer to be alone. Perhaps that is because they’re most successful when working alone. Their preference to be alone can come across as arrogance or conceitedness, but these qualities aren’t applicable. Dragons have tempers that can flare fast!

So why do I care so much about The Year of the Dragon???

Cause I am one!!!! I am a Red Fire Dragon to be exact!!!!

So let’s examine some of the dragon’s, i.e. my, personality traits. I got this info from a few different websites and a few books I own. By no means is any of this 100% fact, but damn some of these really describe me!!!

As a rule, everything the Dragon does is on a grand scale. They believe big is better. When they are able to afford luxuries, a large house is first on their agenda for living the high life. They decorate extravagantly; their surroundings usually perfectly match their personality.

One thing you can bet the house on is the Chinese Dragon can always be trusted. If you engage in a financial transaction with a Dragon, rest assured it will be above-board and honest.

Too bad Dragons are not quite as careful with their own money. They frequently make bad financial choices because their attitude is “easy come, easy go.”

Dragon individuals are nonconformists. They are your free thinkers, free spirits and risk takers. “Uninhibited” might as well be their middle name. They only follow the rules they find acceptable; they break those they don’t. Bureaucracy bores them.

Not surprisingly, they burn the candle at both ends. Party hearty is their mantra. Lucky for them, they enjoy good health; consequently, the late hours do no lasting damage. Their body clock is set to night owl.
Of course, the best working situation for persons born during the Zodiac Year of the Dragon is one where they can enjoy being the center of attention. They do not appreciate anyone stealing the limelight away from them.
Forget a routine job. The Dragons will strive to attain positions where they can give the orders, not take them.

Dragons are never going to be happy doing normal touristy activities on vacation. The uncommon is what excites them. All those books written about unusual, odd, off-the-beaten-track places to visit were written expressly for Dragon people.

Do not get the impression they are one dimensional, though. They would be just as happy on a ski slope, rafting down a river or cliff diving. The thrill is where it’s at!

If you find it necessary to vent to someone, don’t choose the Dragon. She is not the most sensitive of friends. However, if you need an ally, you won’t be disappointed.

If you are the Dragon’s friend, consider it a lifetime commitment. Take it seriously, because Dragon natives demand 100 percent of your loyalty. In exchange, you receive the benefit of knowing you have a “go to” champion.
Finding love with people born in the Year of the Dragon is a bit tricky. It takes a special kind of person.

Because there are so many varied facets to a Dragon’s personality, a spouse must be prepared for a lifetime of riding a wild roller coaster.

The Dragons are irresistible, that’s true, but they can be thoughtless at times. They are charismatic but impulsive, generous but egotistical. The right partner will be someone who is intelligent, has a strong sense of self and an active sense of humor.

Marriage will have its highs and lows, but it will be a committed union, one that brings satisfaction to both partners.

Although Dragons are enthusiastic about most things like furthering their careers, they are less eager to become parents. Having children often comes after they feel secure in their business position.

However, once the decision is made and the kids arrive, they show real interest in them and usually boast to others about their children’s exploits and accomplishments.
Be aware that Dragon children need special handling. They are fiercely independent. That means their school years are going to be troublesome. If you are a parent of a Dragon child, don’t be surprised when he runs into difficulties.

Dragons are daydreamers, and will most probably be the ringleader when a mess blows up. This calls for exceptional understanding on the part of a parent. On the one hand, you must advise against bad behavior, but on the other hand you must encourage imagination and creativity.

Bringing this child to adulthood will be a challenge. Try not to worry, it’s a known fact; everyone has to grow up.
Now here are some things I found out about RED FIRE DRAGONS!!!

Red Fire Dragons are the most eccentric in the Chinese Zodiac. Soaring high into the serene heavens, they can be stubborn, passionate, excitable, honest, and brave, wear purple and walk barefoot in public fountains. They listen to their own drummer, thank you very much, while the rest of the world stands in amazement. People always admire their individuality and feisty personality. Dragons are capable of doing great work for mankind and they inspire trust in almost everyone. The Dragon symbolizes life and growth and is said to bring the five blessings: harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity.
Downright electrifying, Fire Dragons breathe vigor and power. These natural leaders smile at adversity, turn complainers into optimists, and lead lives as inspired as a Beethoven Sonata. They are square shooters in dealing with individuals and are often called upon to mediate disputes. Because they care so much about people, Fire Dragons like to support charitable causes and bring friends together for elegant evening soirees. These Dragons are fired with ambition, unflagging enthusiasm, and intelligence and enjoy most impressive careers as a result. Despite all the money they make, Finance is a big question mark. Money is easy come easy go. Until they control their spending habits, money will just go flying in the wind. Romantics at heart, Fire Dragons can't help playing Matchmaker. They're pretty lucky, too! As for themselves, they ooze charisma and never need anyone to fix them up. Successful in love, often placed on pedestals, Fire Dragons are attractive and have fire in the belly. The opposite sex feels very secure.

Famous Dragon People: Ringo Starr, Edward Heath, Dr. Seuss, John Lennon, Harold Wilson, Helen Keller, Pearl S. Buck, Salvador Dali, Francois Mitterrand, Hosni Mubarek, Maya Angelou.

So Happy Chinese New Year!!!
What's your Chinese Sign???


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Girl Dates!!

I know I haven’t been blogging much. I try to tell myself that I don’t have time or my life just isn’t exciting enough to blog properly. But having this discussion with a fellow blogger tonight, who happens to feel the same way, I realized – a blog is just a vehicle for my opinions and views on life!!! I have views! I have opinions! Therefore, I have a blog!!

For years I have joked that the job of my dreams would be a restaurant reviewer or movie critic. I love food and I love movies! So why can’t I blog about that kind of stuff??

A few nights ago, my friend Tina and I went on a “girl date.” We used to work together and became great friends. Everyone knows that when you no longer work with people, you tend to lose touch with them. But Tina and I have made a pact to see each other at least once a month!!

We started out at Copeland’s. It’s a casual restaurant with a New Orleans flavor. They make Southern Louisiana favorites – like red beans and rice, fried catfish, etc. I have never been a fan of Copeland’s. I don’t know why really. But I wanted to try somewhere different, and I heard that their artichoke and spinach was “Da Bomb” – in the words of a friend, so we decided to go there.

Overall, I was unimpressed. We did start off with the spinach dip. It was very good. But I did not hear, see, or feel any bombs going off. It was too cheesy. I know that sounds like a lame complaint. Also, they serve it with fried bow tie pasta instead of chips or bread. I thought the pasta had a weird taste – like they were fried in old grease – everybody in South Louisiana knows what taste I’m talking about. But I wasn’t 100% disappointed.

On to my entrée. I had the Crab Cakes and Shrimp Alfredo. Here’s a picture of it! Doesn’t it look yummy! But again I was under whelmed. L I don’t eat Alfredo sauce and crab cakes very often, so I thought I treat myself. Well, the pasta was weird tasting and the shrimp were rubbery. I love crabs, but these cakes barely had crab in them. Mostly fillers.
Tina had the Pasta Jambalaya. She said it was spicy. “It’s good though.” I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like a five star review.

OK. On to dessert – let’s see if they can redeem themselves.

I had the King Cake Cheesecake. Overall, it was good. It was absolutely gorgeous! The bottom had the cinnamon cake like a normal king cake with a big layer of cheesecake on top. Then it was sprinkled with purple, green, and yellow sugar. So pretty! I wish I had taken a picture. Normally, I am not a fan of King Cake. I grew up in this area my whole life and don’t really see what’s so special about it. I mean, my family usually buys one to two King Cakes a year and we enjoy them. But it’s not like I crave King Cake. But I enjoyed this Cheesecake. It wasn’t overly sweet, even though you’d think a dessert covered in sugar would have been. I probably wouldn’t get it again though. Because next time I go to Copeland’s (if I ever do), I am getting the Turtle Cheesecake!!!! Tina got it and the minute the waiter put it in front of her, I knew I made a mistake!!! God, it looked luxurious!!! Chocolate Cheesecake with nuts and caramel mixed in covered with tons of melted chocolate and caramel!! Tina, being the wise woman she is, did not offer me a taste, probably because she knew I’d take more than one! LOL!!!

With dinner over, we then headed to the movies! Tina and I both love Vampire movies, so our movie choice was a no-brainer! UnderWorld: Awakenings!!! I even prepared for the movie by watching the first two a few days before. I don’t own the third movie; it’s a prequel anyway and doesn’t even feature Selene. So I knew I wasn’t gonna miss any important plot points. I liked it, even though, there is very little plot and a lot of violence. But I knew what I was getting into. The film makers left the ending set up for another installment. So, fingers crossed for a Selene-Michael reunion.  

Overall, I had a very excellent time that night!!!! The best thing by far was spending time with my friend Tina!!

