Today is Ben Graupner's 26th Birthday!!!
Who is Ben Graupner you ask???? Ben Graupner is a member of the bands 100 Monkeys and Mechanical People. He is super talented and one of the sweetest people I have ever met!!
Last year for his birthday, I was lucky enough to attend a Mechanical People show in New Orleans!!! When my friends and I arrived at the venue, Ben was outside (cutting his finger nails) and he smiled really big because I think he recognized me!! (The 100 Monkey had just been on tour and of course, I went to several shows and met the band after several of these shows.)
We all wished him a Happy Birthday and he gave us all great big hugs!!
Anyway, he graciously took a picture with me! Look at how cute we are!!! :-)

Walking into the venue, Ben Johnson (another member of 100 Monkeys) and Jake Miller (a member of The Kissing Club - whom often tour with the Monkeys and I have had the pleasure of meeting several times) were standing right there by the door. I remember talking to them about being in Baton Rouge and how they liked New Orleans. Also two very sweet guys!!
And again - Look at how cute we are!!!!
After a few drinks, someone came up with the idea of buying Ben G. a birthday shot. But no one had the guts to ask him what he liked to drink!! So me, being me, went right up to him and asked him! He just smiled real big and said that he liked to shoot Jameson. Which is a whiskey. I LOVE whiskey, but I had never tried Jameson before. All the girls were going to shoot Lemon Drops - but not me! I decided to try Jameson. I also bought Ben and Jake shots too, since I probably wouldn't see them for their birthdays, I bought them birthday shots today!!
So here's a pic of us getting ready to drink our shots!!
And here is a picture of us after doing the shot. I think you can see the fire going down my throat!!!!!!!
I have since developed a taste for Jameson. But that very first time WOW!!!!
Here's the birthday boy on the stage!!
Oh, what a cutie!!!!

Here's Ben J on drums!!
After going to my share of concerts in my life, I have discovered that it is VERY difficult to get decent pictures of the drummer!!!
And since Ben is usually the drummer and the venue was kinda small, I finally got a decent pic of him!
I love Ben J!
And here's Jake!!!!
I had trouble getting a good pic of him too because his hair was always in his face. I even yelled out to him to put his hair behind his ear so I could get a good shot!
And this is what I got!!
I love Jake!!!

Here are the guys at the end of their set. Around this time, everyone sang Ben "Happy Birthday." And he ended the song by singing "and I smell like one too!" I guess he meant a monkey. LOL!
I love this pic!!!
I loved the show!!
I can't wait for Mechanical People to tour again and I sincerely hope they come to the New Orleans area.
After the show was over and the guys were picking up their instruments, I went over to Ben to wish him a happy birthday again, to tell him how much we enjoyed the show, and to tell him that we were heading out. He told me, "You can't leave without giving me a hug." Ben gave me the biggest, most sincere hug I think I've ever had in my life! What a sweetheart!
Here's a pic of my friends and I - Karin, Natalie, me, and Rahme. We had a blast!!
Here's a pic of Rahme and I just thrown in here because - LOOK AT HOW CUTE WE ARE!!
I truly wish Ben a very Happy Birthday!!! I wish I was celebrating it with him again this year!!!