Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Vince LaBauve!

Happy Birthday Vince LaBauve!

Who the hell is Vince LaBauve? Yeah, that’s what I said.

Well, I did a little investigation and he is definitely someone that we need to know.

I was introduced to Vince when he began performing with a new band called The Gentle Giants (See previous posts).

Vince LaBauve is no stranger to the music industry. He has been singing and songwriting for over 30 years. He is known for his guitar skills and has played with legendary artists such as Barry White, Ike Turner, and the Coasters. What an impressive career!

 I found these pics on his FaceBook page.

With Bonnie Raitt at M.A.P. dinner at Universal Hilton where he performed in 2000.

<><> <> <><>

On stage with The Chambers Brothers
during their North American tour, playing lead guitar

Backstage at The Bitter End in New York City right before a performance with
Blues legend Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown.

At the airport between flights in Germany, on tour, with Barry White - as lead guitarist during Barry's sell-out performances in Europe '92-'93.

I can already see that his next career highlight will be playing with The Gentle Giants.
He's that good! But don't take my word for it!

Anyway, when my friend Judy told me that it was Vince's Birthday, I had to welcome him into my music family. I decided to send him a message on Facebook and he chatted back!

I cannot wait to see The Gentle Giants with Vince play live!

Happy Birthday Mr. LaBauve! Wherever you are tonight, I hope your celebration is filled with family, friends, and great music!

Welcome to the family!!

Follow Vince on his FaceBook page -
Send him a message - he just might send one back!!

Also follow his band @TheGentleGiants on Twitter and


Happy Birthday Ben Johnson!

Today is Ben Johnson’s birthday!

Ben is one of my most favorite guys in the whole entire world!

He is in the band Pink Fuzzy Animals and I completely adore him!

This pic was taken during the Austin 100 Monkeys show. Austin + August = Friggin HOT! If you coudln't tell by how sweaty Ben is.

Although he does play guitar and bass also, Ben is usually the drummer. It is very hard to get a good picture of a drummer. So most of my pics of Ben look like this. :/ I am not ashamed to admit that I spend a lot of time at concerts trying to get a decent pic of Ben. Trust me when I say this - I have hundreds of pics like this. It is very frustrating.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Ben several times and he has always been just the sweetest guy ever. He’s quiet and I like that about him. But what intrigues me most about Ben is that he hardly ever smiles, even while he’s playing music. I don’t know why exactly. I guess some people aren’t smilers. (In fact, I really have a hard time figuring those two things out about him. Anyone that knows me in real life, knows that I’m always joking around and always kinda loud. I don’t really understand how everyone else isn’t loud too. But Ben is from up North and maybe they grow them quiet up there. Anyway, I digress.)  

This is a picture of when I met Ben in New Orleans last summer. This was at a fan event for the 100 Monkeys. He was just sitting at the bar, no one talking to him. So, of course, I saw this as an opportunity to attack! LOL
I walked right up to him and told him that he needed to stop being so anti-social. He just chuckled and we started up a conversation about his other band Mechanical People and how they began in Baton Rouge. We talked about Baton Rouge a little and how New Orleans is so much better! He asked me if New Orleans was the only show I was going too. And of course, it wasn’t!! I told him how I was following them all through Texas and the Austin show was gonna be my last one.

After the Austin show, the Monkeys had an autograph signing. When I got to Ben, he shook my hand and said “So, tonight was your last one right?” Almost a whole week after we had that conversation, he remembered that Austin was my last show. Awwwwww! He thanked me for being such a good fan and supporting the band. And I told him that I was a fan for life! (And I am, no matter what band he's playing in.)

This is a pic is from the acoustic set before the 100 Monkeys Houston show. I love this picture. Ben is kinda smiling AND I think he's looking at me! Yeah, he thinks I'm cute ... feeling is mutual sweetheart! ;)

This is a pic after the Dallas 100 Monkeys show. He's actually smiling! Love it!

Anyway, I really love Ben and I wish him a very happy birthday!!!

Where ever you are tonight Ben, I hope you are celebrating in style!

Follow Ben on Twitter @BJohnsonmusic and his band @PinkFuzyAnimals


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gentle Giants!

The debut of The Gentle Giants Monday night at The W Hotel in West Hollywood had past and present 100 Monkeys fans excited and in awe. Jackson, Jerad, Uncle Larry, and a mystery man took the stage and played music with a smooth, refreshing feel to it. Through fan-taken videos and pictures, The Gentle Giants instantly gained fans, old and new alike.

Photo Credit: @robkris13

Follow The Gentle Giants on Twitter @TheGentleGiants.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pink Fuzzy Animals

Pink Fuzzy Animals at Hard Rock Cafe on the Strip April 27th

Photo credit: Denise Truscello /

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Final Nail in my Heart

Uncle Larry left 100 Monkeys!!! Wahhhhhh!!!!!

I don't know what's going on in Monkey World but I don't like it one bit!

Here is what Uncle Larry had to say:

World, the time has come that I share with all of our great and ever so wonderful people! Your Uncle One has moved on to new projects. And I am not sad, for as we all know. All good-bye are not gone. (smiles) Just making a way for some new music and such. So, my love ones, walk with me and my brothers. And always know how much I love each of you, and looking forward to seeing you real soon! That can bet on! Yours always and beyond, UL

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Somebody stole my monkey

I was listening to "Swamp Pop" with my dad this morning.

And I heard this song:

Who Stole My Monkey :
I woke up this morning,
And I looked all around.
I was looking for my monkey,
My monkey couldn’t be found.

I called the police department,
Put out an APB.
So if you find my monkey,
Send her on home to me.

Who stole my monkey, my monkey, my monkey?
Somebody stole my monkey, stole my monkey from me.
Who stole my monkey, my monkey, my monkey?
Somebody stole that funky ole monkey from me.

So I moved to California,
Way down in Hollywood.
I got a brand new monkey
And we was doing real good.
Standing on the corner,
Singing a monkey grinding song.
When the next thing I new,
Somebody played me for a fool.
She took my money and was long gone.

Bridge: My monkey got a cue ball head,
She got a good attitude
And them long skinny legs.
When we get back to the motel room,
The way she shakes her tail
It makes my heart go boom, boom, boom.

I feel like someone stole my monkey!!!

100 Monkeys? or Somebody? Live Streamed

Friday, April 13, 2012

100 Monkeys - WTF?

Here's what happened today :......(

"Hey everyone,

We have an important announcement concerning the name of the band at our future shows. Due to recent unexpected demands from Jackson and his lawyers, we will not be performing as 100 Monkeys. We will still be playing all your favorite songs, we will still be appearing at all scheduled performances, as well as announcing new dates soon and releasing our new single “Shooting Star” April 20th.

The line up for tonight’s performance as well as future performances will include Ben Johnson, Ben Graupner, Matt Black, Rob Coonrod and as usual Lawrence Abrahms will be appearing with us as a featured artist."

Devastation lives at my house

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Anniversary to My First Husband

I know you are all wondering – what the hell is an old pic of Johnny Depp doing on a blog post titled “Happy Anniversary to my First Husband”?
It’s simple – Johnny Depp was my first husband!
Ok, so I was only 12 or so and our only interaction was me looking at Bop and Tiger Beat posters and sitting insanely close to the TV during 21 Jump Street (that’s probably why my eyes are so bad).
But Johnny Depp was my first crush. Ever. He even came before any boy in grade school.
And so, my preteen little self, planned a wedding and married Johnny Depp. And all these years later, I still remember the date – April 8th. Because it was a Friday night, and all the pretty weddings are on Friday night, right?
Actually, Johnny Depp means more to me than that. It’s this picture that caused me to go into puberty. Yes, he did it. Johnny Depp made me a woman!

I remember vividly the feelings that picture conjured up. I remember seeing that goody trail and even though I didn’t know what it led to and what exactly what made it so good, I remember that I liked it!

I don't remember the violin though.
Sigh….. J

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Mat Black!

Today is Mat Black's Birthday!!! (Actually, I'm not quite sure if today is his birthday or not. The best I could determine is that his birthday is April 6th, 7th, or 8th. So I chose the 7th to celebrate.)

Who is Mat Black, you ask? He is a member of the band Pink Fuzzy Animals!

I have never met Mat and I have never seen him play live, but I will.  I'll have the pleasure of seeing him play at the Spencer Bell Legacy Concert next month - which I'm sure I will blog about.

So, even though I don't know him or really anything about him, the things I do know - I like!

#1. He is making music with two of my favorite guys on Earth - Ben Graupner and Ben Johnson.

#2. He's British and what girl doesn't like a guy with an accent!

#3. He's outrageously tall - like 7 feet!! I'm used to Ben G. being the tall guy in the group but Mat towers over Ben! It will be interesting to see a picture of the two of us (if I'm lucky enough to meet him).

So happy birthday Mr. Black!!! Where ever you are I hope you are having a blast!

Follow Mat on Twitter @TheMatBlack.

Follow his band @PinkFuzyAnimals.

For more info on the Spencer Bell Legacy Concert, check out @SBLMadison or


Monday, April 2, 2012

Real Time With Ruby

Here is a video with pics of me exercising. I'm glad someone took pics, cuz it may never happen again.

Monday, March 5, 2012

RIP 100 Monkeys

Too (sob) sad (sob) to (sob) write (sob) now. :.....(

Here's what the band said (sob):

“Hey folks, 100 Monkeys has some news. Due to demands on their personal lives and professional careers, our good friends
Jackson Rathbone and Jerad Anderson will be leaving the band as active members. We have much love for both and wish them well, and they will always be welcome if they should ever decide to drop in on any future shows, or make appearances on recordings. The last four years of albums, tours and other projects have truly been fantastic, and the legacy they leave behind in their work will be remembered in all of our future endeavors. We wish them the best in their future projects and anticipate great new things to come.

Ben Johnson, Ben Graupner, and Lawrence Abrams will continue with 100 Monkeys and will be working onward with the release of the band’s new single “City of Bones,” March 12th, and a set of shows in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Las Vegas starting this April. We will be playing these as a five-piece and will announce the names of the accompanying musicians shortly.
We really can’t tell you how much we love all of you. It is an absolute honor to have received the support and encouragement you have given us through the years, and from all of us we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to many more shows, albums,videos, books, and god knows what else we will come up with, and we look forward to sharing it with the people that matter the most, all of you.

Much Love,

100 Monkeys”

Here's what Jackson said (sob):

Sadly, I am no longer playing with 100 monkeys...
My passion for music continues and hope to have
something new you guys can hear very soon!

And Jerad (sob):

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Valentine from a Princess

Since I have started this blogging thing, I have started to follow several blogs.

One of my favorite blogs is It's a blog that gives fashion advice, baby advice, and basically wisdom all women should know. Shannon writes about being glamorous in your own way, even if you are covered in poop, pee,  and puke!! I love Shannon's advice . But my favorite part of her blog is seeing the pictures of her daughter Amelia!!! Princess A is always modeling some fierce outfit that is totally glam!! We even get to see Shannon's fab clothes!

Here is Amelia!!!

Such a cutie!!!

A few weeks ago, Shannon said that Amelia picked out Valentine's to send out and there were a few extra. I asked for one and I received it today!!!! I, unfortunately, am past the age where giving out Valentine's are socially acceptable. So I haven't received one in a while. Just seeing the cute pink envelope in the mail today made me smile. Thank you Princess A and Shannon!!!



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Ben Graupner!!!

Today is Ben Graupner's 26th Birthday!!!

Who is Ben Graupner you ask???? Ben Graupner is a member of the bands 100 Monkeys and Mechanical People. He is super talented and one of the sweetest people I have ever met!!
Last year for his birthday, I was lucky enough to attend a Mechanical People show in New Orleans!!! When my friends and I arrived at the venue, Ben was outside (cutting his finger nails) and he smiled really big because I think he recognized me!! (The 100 Monkey had just been on tour and of course, I went to several shows and met the band after several of these shows.)

We all wished him a Happy Birthday and he gave us all great big hugs!!

Anyway, he graciously took a picture with me! Look at how cute we are!!! :-)

Walking into the venue, Ben Johnson (another member of 100 Monkeys) and Jake Miller (a member of The Kissing Club - whom often tour with the Monkeys and I have had the pleasure of meeting several times) were standing right there by the door. I remember talking to them about being in Baton Rouge and how they liked New Orleans. Also two very sweet guys!!

And again -  Look at how cute we are!!!!
After a few drinks, someone came up with the idea of buying Ben G. a birthday shot. But no one had the guts to ask him what he liked to drink!! So me, being me, went right up to him and asked him! He just smiled real big and said that he liked to shoot Jameson. Which is a whiskey. I LOVE whiskey, but I had never tried Jameson before. All the girls were going to shoot Lemon Drops - but not me! I decided to try Jameson. I also bought Ben and Jake shots too, since I probably wouldn't see them for their birthdays, I bought them birthday shots today!!
So here's a pic of us getting ready to drink our shots!!

And here is a picture of us after doing the shot. I think you can see the fire going down my throat!!!!!!!

I have since developed a taste for Jameson. But that very first time WOW!!!!

Here's the birthday boy on the stage!!

Oh, what a cutie!!!!

Here's Ben J on drums!!

After going to my share of concerts in my life, I have discovered that it is VERY difficult to get decent pictures of the drummer!!!

And since Ben is usually the drummer and the venue was kinda small, I finally got a decent pic of him!

I love Ben J!

And here's Jake!!!!

I had trouble getting a good pic of him too because his hair was always in his face. I even yelled out to him to put his hair behind his ear so I could get a good shot!

And this is what I got!!

I love Jake!!!

Here are the guys at the end of their set. Around this time, everyone sang Ben "Happy Birthday." And he ended the song by singing "and I smell like one too!" I guess he meant a monkey. LOL!

I love this pic!!!
I loved the show!!
I can't wait for Mechanical People to tour again and I sincerely hope they come to the New Orleans area.

After the show was over and the guys were picking up their instruments, I went over to Ben to wish him a happy birthday again, to tell him how much we enjoyed the show, and to tell him that we were heading out. He told me, "You can't leave without giving me a hug." Ben gave me the biggest, most sincere hug I think I've ever had in my life! What a sweetheart!

Here's a pic of my friends and I - Karin, Natalie, me, and Rahme. We had a blast!!

Here's a pic of Rahme and I just thrown in here because - LOOK AT HOW CUTE WE ARE!!

I truly wish Ben a very Happy Birthday!!! I wish I was celebrating it with him again this year!!!

